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Learn Python Property Decorator: @classmethod, @staticmethod


In this article, you gonna learn about different python decorators which are python property decorator, python @classmethod decorator, python @staticmethod decorator. You will also learn which one is best to choose when.

Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, offers a plethora of features to simplify the development process. Among these are built-in decorators, which enable you to streamline common tasks when defining classes and methods. Decorators help enhance the functionality of your classes and methods without the need for extensive boilerplate code. In this article, we’ll delve into three widely used built-in decorators: @staticmethod, @classmethod, and @property. With practical examples, we’ll illustrate how these decorators can be employed to write cleaner and more efficient code.

If you wanna learn about how python decorator works you can check the following:

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • Understanding the Purpose of Python Decorators
  2. Python @staticmethod Decorator
    • Definition and Use Case
    • Best Practices for Using @staticmethod
    • Example: Creating and Using a Static Method
  3. Python @classmethod Decorator
    • Definition and Use Case
    • Best Practices for Using @classmethod
    • Example: Creating and Using a Class Method
  4. Python @property Decorator
    • Definition and Use Case
    • Best Practices for Using @property
    • Example: Creating and Using a Property
  5. Choosing the Right Decorator
    • Guidelines for Selecting the Appropriate Decorator
    • Considerations for Designing Python Classes
  6. Conclusion
    • Summary of the Key Takeaways from the Article
  7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Python @staticmethod decorator:

The python @staticmethod decorator serves the purpose of defining static methods within a class. Python Static methods are unique because they do not rely on the instance of the class and are typically used for utility functions that are related to the class but do not require access to instance-specific data.


In this example, the add method is a static method of the MathUtils class. You can call it without the need to create an instance of the class. This decorator simplifies the process of invoking methods that are not tied to class instances.

class MathUtils:
    def add(x, y):
        return x + y

result = MathUtils.add(5, 3)
print(result)  // Output: 8

How it works:

In this code snippet, we have a class named MathUtils with a static method add. Here’s how it works:

  • The python staticmethod decorator is used before the add method to indicate that it’s a static method. Static methods do not depend on instances of the class; they are standalone functions associated with the class.
  • When we call MathUtils.add(5, 3), we’re invoking the add method directly on the class itself, without creating an instance of MathUtils. This is possible because it’s a static method.
  • The add method simply takes two arguments, x and y, and returns their sum, which is printed to the console. In this case, it returns 8, which is the sum of 5 and 3.

Python @classmethod decorator

The python @classmethod decorator is designed for defining class methods. Class method decorator take the class itself as their first argument, often named cls, instead of the instance. They are commonly utilized for creating factory methods or for accessing and modifying class-level attributes.


In the following example, the create_instance method is a class method within the MyClass class. It not only creates instances of the class but also updates a class-level variable. The python classmethod decorator simplifies the process of working with methods that involve the class itself rather than individual instances.

class MyClass:
    class_variable = 0

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def create_instance(cls, value):
        obj = cls(value)
        cls.class_variable += 1
        return obj

obj1 = MyClass.create_instance(10)
obj2 = MyClass.create_instance(20)

print(obj1.value)           // Output: 10
print(obj2.value)           // Output: 20
print(MyClass.class_variable)  // Output: 2

How it works:

In this code snippet, we have a class named MyClass with a class method create_instance. Here’s how it works:

  • The @classmethod decorator is used before the create_instance method to indicate that it’s a class method. Class methods take the class itself (often named cls) as their first argument.
  • The create_instance method takes two arguments: cls (the class itself) and value. It creates an instance of MyClass using cls(value) and assigns it to the variable obj.
  • After creating the instance, it increments the class_variable by 1. This variable is a class-level attribute shared among all instances of the class.
  • We then create two instances, obj1 and obj2, using the create_instance class method. These instances have value attributes set to 10 and 20, respectively.
  • Finally, we print the values of obj1.value, obj2.value, and MyClass.class_variable to the console. obj1.value and obj2.value represent the value attribute of each instance, and MyClass.class_variable represents the class-level variable. As a result, you see 10, 20, and 2 as the respective outputs.

Python @property decorator:

The python @property decorator in is a powerful tool for defining getter methods for class attributes. It allows you to access an attribute like a regular attribute while enabling you to incorporate custom logic when retrieving the value.


In this example, the python @property decorator is employed to define a getter for the radius attribute, allowing you to access it like any other attribute. Additionally, a setter is defined to ensure that the radius remains non-negative. Furthermore, a computed property area calculates the area of the circle based on the radius. The python @property decorator simplifies attribute access and management, making your code more readable and maintainable.

class Circle:
    def __init__(self, radius):
        self._radius = radius

    def radius(self):
        return self._radius

    def radius(self, value):
        if value < 0:
            raise ValueError("Radius cannot be negative")
        self._radius = value

    def area(self):
        return 3.14159 * self._radius ** 2

circle = Circle(5)
print(circle.radius)  // Output: 5
print(circle.area)    // Output: 78.53975

circle.radius = 7
print(circle.radius)  // Output: 7

circle.radius = -2  // Raises ValueError: Radius cannot be negative

How it works:

In this code snippet, we have a class named Circle with properties for radius and area. Here’s how it works:

  • The python property decorator is used to define a getter method for the radius attribute. This allows us to access circle.radius as if it were a regular attribute.
  • Additionally, a @radius.setter decorator is used to define a setter method for radius. It checks if the provided value is negative and raises a ValueError if it is.
  • There’s also a computed property area defined using the python property decorator. It calculates the area of a circle based on the radius attribute.
  • We create an instance of the Circle class with a radius of 5 and then print circle.radius and circle.area. These properties provide the radius value and the calculated area, respectively.
  • We then update the radius property to 7 using circle.radius = 7, which is allowed because of the setter method.
  • Finally, we attempt to set the radius to -2, which raises a ValueError since the setter method checks for negative values.

Incorporating these decorators into your Python code can greatly improve its readability, maintainability, and efficiency. By encapsulating functionality and providing clear ways to define static methods, class methods, and properties within your classes, these decorators contribute to a cleaner and more elegant codebase.

Choosing Between @staticmethod, @classmethod, and @property Decorators in Python

Each of these decorators serves a distinct purpose, and making the right choice can significantly impact the design and functionality of your Python code. Following are the overview, so that you can get insight which one is best for which purpose:

Understanding Python @staticmethod decorator:

Use Case:

You should opt for the python @staticmethod decorator when you need a method that is related to a class but doesn’t depend on any instance-specific data.

Best Practices:

  • Static methods are often used for utility functions.
  • Use python @staticmethod decorator when you want to perform an operation that doesn’t modify the state of the class or its instances.
  • Employ it in cases where the method logically belongs to the class but doesn’t rely on instance attributes.


Static methods are ideal for mathematical operations, conversion functions, or any function that doesn’t require access to instance-specific data. For instance, you might create a static method for converting units of measurement or performing calculations that are universally applicable to instances of your class.

Understanding Python @classmethod Decorator:

Use Case:

Python @classmethod decorator method comes into play when you need a method that operates on the class itself, modifies class-level attributes, or creates instances of the class.

Best Practices:

  • Consider python @classmethod decorator as a factory method for creating instances of the class with specific configurations.
  • Utilize it when modifying class-level attributes or performing operations related to the class as a whole.
  • Choose it when you need to work with class-specific data or operations.


Imagine you have a class representing geometric shapes. You could use a python @classmethod decorator to create instances of shapes like circles or rectangles with specific dimensions. Additionally, you could use it to keep track of the total number of shapes created across all instances of the class.

Understanding Python @property Decorator:

Use Case:

Python property decorator is your go-to decorator when you want to define attributes with custom getter and setter methods, allowing for controlled access and validation.

Best Practices:

  • Employ python property decorator when you need to perform custom logic when getting or setting attribute values.
  • Use it to ensure that attribute values meet specific criteria or constraints.
  • Consider it for providing computed properties that are based on other attributes.


Let’s say you have a class representing a geometric figure with a radius attribute. By using python property decorator, you can ensure that the radius is always non-negative. Additionally, you can calculate the area of the figure based on its dimensions whenever the user requests it.

Making the Right Choice

In summary, choosing the appropriate decorator for your Python code depends on the nature of the functionality you want to implement in your class. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Use python @staticmethod decorator for utility methods that are independent of instances.
  • Use python @classmethod decorator when you need to operate on the class itself or manage class-level data.
  • Embrace python property decorator when you want to customize attribute access and validation.

It’s important to note that these decorators are not mutually exclusive. You can use them in combination to create more complex class designs that suit your specific programming needs and the design of your Python classes.


Python’s built-in decorators, namely @staticmethod, @classmethod, and @property, are invaluable tools for simplifying your code and enhancing its functionality. They allow you to create cleaner and more efficient class and method definitions, reducing the need for boilerplate code. Whether you need to define utility methods, work with class-level attributes, or customize attribute access, these decorators have got you covered. By understanding their use cases and best practices, you can make informed decisions about which decorator to use in different scenarios.

Now that you have a solid understanding of these decorators, start incorporating them into your Python projects to write more elegant and maintainable code ๐Ÿ˜‰


1. What is the purpose of the @staticmethod decorator in Python?

The @staticmethod decorator is used to define static methods within a class. Static methods do not depend on class instances and are often employed for utility functions related to the class that do not require access to instance-specific data.

2. How does the @classmethod decorator differ from @staticmethod?

The @classmethod decorator is used for defining class methods. Class methods take the class itself as their first argument, allowing them to work with class-level attributes and create instances of the class. In contrast, @staticmethod methods do not have access to class-level data.

3. What is the purpose of the @property decorator?

The @property decorator is used to define getter methods for class attributes. It enables you to access attributes like regular attributes while incorporating custom logic when retrieving the value. This decorator is particularly useful for ensuring attribute consistency and providing computed properties.

4. Can I use these decorators in my own Python classes?

Absolutely! You can use the @staticmethod, @classmethod, and @property decorators in your own Python classes to improve code readability and maintainability. They are valuable tools for simplifying class and method definitions.

5. Where can I learn more about Python decorators and their usage?

To deepen your understanding of Python decorators and explore advanced use cases, consider referring to the Python official documentation and online tutorials dedicated to decorators. There are also many books and courses available that cover this topic in detail.

6. Can I use multiple decorators on a single method?

Yes, you can. Combining decorators can be beneficial when you need to apply multiple functionalities to a method.

7. Are these decorators exclusive to classes?

While these decorators are commonly used in classes, you can also use them in functions defined outside of classes.

8. What happens if I misuse these decorators?

Misusing decorators can lead to unexpected behavior or errors in your code. It’s essential to understand their intended use cases to avoid such issues.

9. Can I create custom decorators in Python?

Absolutely! Python allows you to create custom decorators to suit your specific needs and requirements.

10. How do I choose between class methods and instance methods?

The choice between class methods and instance methods depends on whether the method needs to access and modify instance-specific data. Class methods are more suitable for operations at the class level, while instance methods are tailored for working with instance-specific data.

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